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FBI data: Minnesota ranked 15th in 2014 firearms background checks
Minnesota has for the most part mirrored much of the country. Though the number of firearm background checks in the state rose from 224,165 in 2005 to 297,390 checks in 2010, the figure has jumped substantially in more recent years. While Minnesota had 337,534 background checks in 2011, the total climbed to 525,774 in 2013. ... Continue Reading
The management of the DHS “Value Report” on HMO care
In 2012, the Minnesota Legislature told state officials it wanted an independent study to investigate the value of the state’s managed health care programs. But what taxpayers got instead was a report that was heavily influenced by Department of Human Services (DHS) officials and critiqued by health management organizations (HMOs), ... Continue Reading
Davidov an army intelligence officer?
Longtime Twin Cities peace activist Marv Davidov was once in line to be a member of the U.S. Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps, according to new records. ... Continue Reading