Since 2012, PRM has undertaken multiple open records lawsuits against government entities, and has filed amicus briefs in important information access cases:
2023: Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press v. United States. (No. 22-3326).
PRM joined amicus brief of media intervenors seeking court records.
2022: In the Matter of the Denial of Contested Case Hearing Requests and Issuance of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System Permit No. MN0071013 for the Proposed NorthMet Project St. Louis County Hoyt Lakes and Babbitt Minnesota. (Nos. A19-0112, A19-0118, A19-0124, A19-1271, A20-1380, A20-1385)
PRM amicus brief supporting appellants contesting a Minnesota Court of Appeals decision involving the Minnesota Administrative Procedures Act.
2021: Energy Policy Advocates vs. Keith Ellison, et al. (No. A20-1344)
PRM amicus brief in support of data requester Energy Policy Advocates, seeking data from the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office.
2020: Tyler Halva vs. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. (No. A19-0481)
PRM amicus brief in support of requester seeking damages for a government entity’s failure to provide public data under Minnesota’s Data Practices Act.
2019: Andrew Cilek v. Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State, et al. (No. A18-1140)
PRM amicus brief in support of neither party, setting out the interpretive history of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.
2019: Michael Gahagan v. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, et al. (No. 19-73)
PRM amicus brief in support of Supreme Court review for FOIA case on attorneys fees.
2018: Public Record Media vs. United States Department of Justice. (Case 118-cv-01052-DLF)
Lawsuit seeking records related to DOJ legal tools to investigate leaks to members of the press.
2018: Public Record Media vs. Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and Greater MSP. (Case 62-CV-18-4335)
Lawsuit seeking the State of Minnesota’s bid for Amazon’s second corporate headquarters.
2017: Tony Webster vs. Hennepin County, et al. (No. A16-0736)
PRM amicus brief in support of litigation brought by data requester Tony Webster.
2016: Tony Webster vs. Hennepin County. (No. A16-0736)
PRM amicus brief in support of litigation brought by data requester Tony Webster.
2016: Public Record Media v. United States Department of Justice. (Case 1:17-cv-00142-RC)
Lawsuit for records related to governmental mass surveillance programs.
2016: KSTP vs. Metro Transit. (No. A14-1957)
PRM amicus brief in support of litigation brought by television station KSTP-TV.
2015: Tony Webster vs. City of Bloomington. (27-CV-15-10552).
PRM amicus brief in support of litigation brought by records requester Tony Webster.
2014: Public Record Media vs. U.S. Department of the Interior. (Case 0:14-cv-04927-SRN-HB)
Lawsuit for records about the status of proposed copper-nickel mining projects in northern Minnesota.
2012: Kevin Scott Karsjens vs. Lucinda Lesson. (11-CV-03659-DWF-TNL)
PRM joined amicus brief of media intervenors seeking court records.
2012: Public Record Media v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (Case 0:12-cv-03065-JRT-TNL)
Lawsuit for records related to correspondence between Minnesota State Senator John Marty and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS).
2012: Public Record Media v. U.S. Department of Justice. (Case 0:12-cv-01225-MJD-AJB)
Lawsuit for records related to the domestic use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by the federal government.