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Marv Davidov, the FBI, and J. Edgar Hoover
In the late 1960s, Twin Cities peace activist Marv Davidov was on the radar of legendary FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who told the Secret Service that Davidov may have tendencies indicating a “propensity for violence and antipathy toward good order and government.” ... Continue Reading
FBI releases agency files pertaining to former Senator Rod Grams
Five months after Rod Grams took office in the mid-1990s, the FBI investigated a death threat against the late U.S. senator from Minnesota from an individual who threatened to shoot Grams and then take his own life. ... Continue Reading
FBI to mount antenna system in US Bank Stadium
On the day after the Minnesota Vikings played the team’s inaugural game in the new US Bank Stadium, a top stadium official signed an agreement to have the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) place its own transmitting antennas inside the $1.1 billion structure. ... Continue Reading
FBI data: Minnesota ranked 15th in 2014 firearms background checks
Minnesota has for the most part mirrored much of the country. Though the number of firearm background checks in the state rose from 224,165 in 2005 to 297,390 checks in 2010, the figure has jumped substantially in more recent years. While Minnesota had 337,534 background checks in 2011, the total climbed to 525,774 in 2013. ... Continue Reading